History of Earth

-- A visual representation --

History of Earth -- A visual representatioion -- is a website that aims to provide free, high quality, accurate and non-biased source of historical information, displaced in a easy to understand and visual mannor, allowing forr easy navigation between topics and events in different geographic area's and time periods.

Our Mission

The end goal of History of Earth -- A visual Representation -- is to create an accurate and reliable map that displaces information about the world and events occuring within at dates from 4000 Bc up to the Mordern era as much as possible, knowing that there most likely will be errors that occur within this displaced information. Each marker and event listed on the website will have a describtion and information page, that will further link the read to more sources on the topic at hand. By making this website free and accessible to anyone, reguardless of age or email the hope is to allow any person of any age and language to have accuess to the informatio and services provided by the website.